Autumn and Auditory Association Activity For Kids that Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing


One activity to target Auditory Associations is by hiding objects in containers with clear tops. Through hearing alone, the child listens to the therapist/parent/teacher's associations of a hidden object.

➼ Name words that answer who, what, when, and where questions, when appropriate.

➼ Recall words by identifying salient features and related items such as associated objects, object functions, descriptors, and parts of the whole.

➼ Free association words can really grow vocabulary too.

🐿️ For example, for the squirrel, a child may talk about a small furry animal with a bushy tail that climbs trees and eats nuts.

We take turns guessing and hiding an object then naming words associated with the topic.

This activity, helps kids develop their listening and descriptive language skills.