Lickety Split - Auditory Memory & Recall

Lickety Split is a fast-paced game played swiftly back and forth between two players. It is a barrier game that targets auditory word recall, challenges auditory memory and processing speed. Improvement in the child’s ability to listen, remember and recall results in following more complex instructions, understanding detailed conversations and learning new information

Children that are deaf and hard of hearing with reduced auditory memory abilities may struggle to recall longer sentences, only remember part of what was said and find it hard to recall information they were told in the past and relate it to new learning. Memory boosting strategies and playing games like Lickety Split can boost a child’s spoken language, communication, literacy and academic skills.


Lickety Split can be played at home with family, at school and in Listening and Spoken Language therapy sessions. This week with the COVID - 19 Shelter in Place orders we played Lickety Split during teletherapy sessions. We followed the game rules and using the PDF of the game. I displayed one of the game boards for the “Listener” by sharing my screen on my teletherapy platform. We used the PDF annotation tools and the “Listener” marked off the picture on their game board with a yellow X. I promised to not peek at the boxes they crossed off and the game was a hit!

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Lickety Split is available at my Listen With Lynn™ online TpT shop.